Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

About Us

Hey there! We’re Coty and Heather, the two wild and curious travelers behind this little corner of the internet, and we’re super stoked that you took the time to read a little more about us and our journey together.

Welcome! We’re Coty and Heather.

Hey there! We’re Coty and Heather, the two wild and curious travelers behind this little corner of the internet, and we’re super stoked that you took the time to read a little more about us and our journey together.
First and foremost, you must know that we are two totally normal people – despite our love for traveling and pursuit of a ‘work optional’ future.

We both met in 2012 briefly and quickly hit it off, but Heather just started college and Coty in his 3rd year of college was unsure of where life would take me, so I dropped out and joined the Air Force and it’s needless to say that things didn’t continue. Fast forward 5 years and Coty found himself stationed in Oahu, Hawaii (lucky, we know!). Thanks to the internet, we were brought back together while Coty was on a deployment and somehow, Heather liked him enough to move to Hawaii. We were married 6 months later in 2018!

Our Shared Passions

Financial Independence wasn’t always our goal. We were both raised in the traditional American home where working hard meant retiring at 65 with only a good 10 years left to enjoy all of life’s sacrifices. It wasn’t until 2020 that we both began to really question the status quo and began taking our personal finances seriously. We have since made it our mission to create streams of income, invest our earned income and live well below our means in order to create a ‘work optional’ life and thus an early exit from the American norm.

You can expect to see a lot of content about our current journey to financial independence, tips that we’ve picked up along the way and how we still plan to live a fulfilled life while pursuing FIRE.

We have traveled together to New Zealand, Australia, Mexico and all of the Hawaiian Islands while we lived on Oahu, Hawaii. While in the military, Coty was able to travel to over 30+ countries across Asia, Europe, Africa and South America. This was where our love for traveling was born!
We’ve traveled to 8 countries together and 3 continents over the last 6 years and continue to add new countries to our list every year. We aim to travel hack these through credit card points, and promotions without sacrificing the experiences. Our most recent trip to Portugal has been a top destination for us in 2024!

Our Mission

We started this site as a way to share our journey to those who don’t know where to start when it comes to financial independence and travel. We create all of the content on this site to be as transparent and real as possible with you, share the intricacies and no fluff path to getting what you want out of life.

If you’ve made it this far, we are so excited that you’re following along. We love to hear from others about their journey and how they are working towards financial independence or their latest travel experience.

Feel free to reach out to us on social media and let us know where you’re at on your journey!